Labour Agreements

The engagement of large scale overseas labour outside the employer sponsored (482) program would require a Labour Agreement. These are individually negotiated between the employer, employer group or industry group and the Commonwealth Government via the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

We can assist employers seeking to navigate their way through the Labour Agreement system, providing advice, guidance and management of this process from beginning to end.

Summary of migration requirements

  • Labour Agreements enable Australian employers to recruit a specific number of workers from offshore in response to an identified or emerging labour market (or skill) shortage in Australia.
  • They provide an avenue for either permanent or temporary entry into Australia.
  • Labour Agreements are designed to ensure that overseas recruitment supports the long term improvement of employment and training opportunities for Australians.
  • Employers are required to make commitments to the employment, education, training and career opportunities of Australians as part of the agreement.


Our Services

The Migration Agents will conduct a business assessment to check eligibility to meet the legislative criteria for a Labour Agreement. We will assist in implementing the required steps to meet the criteria and work with your business to collate the required documentation and information. We will administer and coordinate the lodgement of the application with the Department of Immigration and continue to manage all compliance obligations and monitoring reports with the Department of Immigration post-approval.